Saturday 20 October 2012

Busy week this week

Been a busy week - Monday evening I met with my conference chairman and a couple of our committee members to talk over some of the administrative aspectes we need to plan.  Although the event isn't until March 2014 there's all sorts of things we need to prepare and as they say "if you fail to plan, you'll plan to fail"!! 

Tuesday was the quarterly meeting of our Rotary District Executive - we support the 63 clubs in our patch and meet up to talk through where we need to focus our efforts.  Hot topic was the planned reorganisation of how clubs are grouped in Great Britain & Ireland.  If it all turns out the way the proposals are structured we'll see an additional 9 clubs join us in 2015.

Wednesday had me as the speaker at our Rotary club meeting on the topic of what it's like to be going through the progression to be District Governor - seemed to go well, but you'd have to ask the audience.

And on Thursday I was at one the continuing series of workshops for the changes to they way our Rotary Foundation will adminster grants - very receptive group this week.  I'm sorry to be missing the next few as I have other Rotary commitments - more of those in the coming weeks.

Friday morning - shock horror - no golf today!  A couple of times a year my Golf Club allows charities to hold fundraising Golf Days at the club, which means us regulars have a day off - Friday was Sparks day - hope that they did well.  But that meant I could go off to RC Banbury for lunch.  Terrific group of people - very liveley =- think I gave as good as I got!!  Great speaker - Alistair Welford from Leadenporch Trust who spoke movingly of their work with street children and young adults in Guatemala and building links between those children and troubled teens in Banbury - stirring stuff.

And in the evening facing heavy competition from nine other teams we battled in RC Elthorne Hillingdon's annual "Big Ed" quiz.  After a poor start we fought our way back to finish second to perennial winners RC Pinner.  However, a fun night and a good turnout supporting our club funds.

So to today, Saturday.  Momentous day - we're off to The Kings Head Theatre, Islington to see Mistresses - a two-hander featuring actresses Jean Heard and Julia Munrow tell the stories of five famous mistresses - or perhaps I should say mistresses of the famous.  Written by Rotarian Joan Greening - who happens to be my wife, doesn't that make me proud! - it's on for three consecutive Saturdays - 20th October, 27th October, 3 November at 3 pm.  Hoping to update with a review and pictures - possibly as early as tomorrow!

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